
來源:魅力女性吧 8.64K

不需要剩下的單詞了。the White Rabbit已經被註冊為公司商標了,也就成了專有名詞,所以你一説the White Rabbit人家就知道你在説大白兔奶糖了。

首先,“大白兔”是一個專有名詞,應該理解成是“具有白色體毛、體型較大的特徵的一類兔種”,而不是“白色兔子中長得大的那隻”。因而譯做“WHITE RABBIT”,寫成“The Big White Rabbit ”是中式英語,就象把中國人的客套話“哪裏,哪裏!”譯成“Where,where!”一樣,反而弄巧成拙啦。

White Rabbit Creamy Candy is a brand of candy manufactured by Shanghai Guan Sheng Yuan Food, Ltd.

White Rabbit Creamy Candy is white, with a soft, chewy texture, and is formed into cylinders. Each candy is wrapped in a thin edible paper-like wrapping made from sticky rice.
