be good - dog 造句

來源:魅力女性吧 2.6W
be good dog 造句

1、To be a good dog needs good training, to be a good person needs good education.好狗需要好的訓練。好人需要好的教育。

2、Be a good dog and fetch me a refill, will you?當條聽話的狗給我去倒杯酒吧

3、As the reality of the situation began to set in, so did the fear about all that Mocha had eaten: leather, shoelaces, plastic& these couldn't be good for a dog.慢慢地,我回過神來,開始接受眼前發生的一切,這時我也開始擔心摩卡吃的那些東西:皮革、鞋帶、塑料&這些都不是狗該吃的東西。
