
來源:魅力女性吧 8.83K


one another 彼此,互相

for another 第二其次

one after another

adv. 接連地一個接一個地

another one 另一個

yet another adv. 另一種

She skipped from one subject to another .她講得沒有條理,東拉西扯。

The respect was another empty gesture .這種敬禮又是一種空洞的姿態。

A pointer is the address of another value .指示字是另一個值的地址。

Why should we dream away another year ?我們為什麼還要虛度一年光陰

Another tussle took place in the teahouse .茶館裏又發生了一場打鬥。

Events crowd upon me, one after another .不平凡的事件向我蜂擁而來。

Here's another thing i always carry .我這兒還有一件隨身攜帶的東西。

Cystinuria is another human disorder .胱氨酸尿症是人的另一種毛病。

The boys were promising in another way .男孩子則在另一方面出人頭地。
